Microdermabrasion Results
You would have seen the exciting benefits of microdermabrasion results: improving wrinkles roughness and color, often "taking years off".
Microdermabrasion will leave your skin softer and smoother, create a
vibrant, healthy, rejuvenated appearance, with Microdermabrasion skin
freshening treatments, you can see immediate improvements in your
skin's appearance. This unique approach removes dead and flaking skin
cells and promotes the production of fresh, young skin cells and
collagen. It is the ultimate advancement in non-invasive skin
conditioning. Sit back and relax while our trained staff delivers
gentle Microdermabrasion treatments to improve uneven skin tone and
texture as well as fine lines and wrinkles. They leave your skin
softer, smoother and younger-looking.
Microdermabrasion Before and After Pictures
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After |
By nilgun johnston from alexandria/virginia on August 3, 2008
I am 43 years old with pretty nice skin.But I have some sun damage around my eyes (when I smile lines appear around my eyes)I also have black heads around my nose area.My question is I have sensitive skin,is vacuum powerful that I might end up with surface veins on my face.How gentle this thing is.I dont want to find out after the fact when damage is already done to the facial skin
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